Flash-bang. Looking over the very brief summary of Google Analytics that my WordPress plugin gives me, I was somewhat amused by the graph… Also amusing to note: some of these visits are me logging in to admin the blog or to write. Also, for the geeks in the audience, the uncompressed TIFF of this image […]
Archive for February 2012
Well, that was fast. 1 comment
Starting? That’s easy. Keeping it going? That’s hard. Leave a comment
Consistency. I’ve tried to do several “journal” type projects over the years. I’ll freely admit, pretty much of them have all fizzled out. Sometimes due to lack of time to make the effort, but a lot of the time I just don’t have anything to write about. I’ve noticed that a couple of days into […]
Greetings and Beachside Linguistics 2 comments
Friendship. In an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Captain Picard struggles to master a greeting in an alien language. The last time it was attempted by a starship captain, he botched it, and the aliens withdrew from contact for decades. At the end of the episode, Picard delivers it flawlessly, and the alien […]
… with miles to go before I sleep, I might lose my mind before I get there. 1 comment
Transitory. I live in Montana: a vast, sparsely populated state, where often times the distance between places is not measured in linear measurement but in drive time, where the nearest neighboring cities are multiple hours away, and where the nearest “major” city of any note is a solid day’s drive away. Obviously, this means that […]
One day in, and already an international audience, and a shout-out. 1 comment
Community. In the 24 hours since I started this project, it’s been interesting to see the response. I’ve posted several items, and in a couple of cases, posted the links to Twitter and Facebook. I’ve seen responses from friends, family, former coworkers and people I only know as words on a computer screen. But what […]
Congratulations are in order… I think. 1 comment
Hubris. Leauxra over at Does This Make My Blog Look Fat is celebrating her 100th post on the blog. My congratulations to her. She, among others, is my inspiration for doing more writing. In this post, she writes about “The Rules of Blogging.” Specifically, she states “Do not talk about your blog.” Not once, but twice. […]
On Privacy, What Google Knows, and Why It Doesn’t Matter 4 comments
Value. On a mailing list I frequent, there has been an interesting discussion of late in regards to privacy and Google. There are a lot of people out there moving their sites, data, and information off of Google wholesale. They are saying, in effect, that “Google knows too much about them”. They feel that some […]
On the written word… 3 comments
Elegance. For me, the Internet has always been a medium of the written word. No amount of flashy graphics, high-definition sound, or technological widgetry replaces the power and expressiveness of the written word. Maybe, in some way, I’m a throwback to previous generations, who could (or can, in some cases) scarcely comprehend the new frontier […]
Hello world! 1 comment
Hello, World. Funny how the traditions stay with you. In computing, a “hello world” program is usually the first program one writes in a new language, to show that it actually works. I’ve written my fair share of them. Still, it’s amazing to show to oneself that the language actually works, and that you can […]