Starting? That’s easy. Keeping it going? That’s hard.   Leave a comment


I’ve tried to do several “journal” type projects over the years.  I’ll freely admit, pretty much of them have all fizzled out.  Sometimes due to lack of time to make the effort, but a lot of the time I just don’t have anything to write about.  I’ve noticed that a couple of days into this project, even with a queue of titles, snippets, and ideas — I sometimes think “what am I doing?  I don’t have anything to write about!”

I’ve discovered that having this queue is helping a little bit.  Also having the discipline to keep “finished” items in the queue, so I can give a steady flow of items to my readership, is important.  Other sites I’ve participated in have “starter” ideas, and I might start using those as well.  I might even mix other media in as well – my former schoolmate Sunday over at Extreme Parenthood posted an item to Facebook on a photo-a-day project for March.  I think I might try and do this, it looks like an interesting experiment.  I’ve also had a ping from one of my coworkers to start writing about the technical trials of deploying IPv6 on my home network.  And I know I’ll have other items to post on, too.

So don’t worry if my face goes slack and I start drooling.  I’m likely just trying to come up with another topic to write about.  Either that, or the last cup of coffee wore off.

Posted February 29, 2012 by mec in Uncategorized

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