Hello, World.
Funny how the traditions stay with you. In computing, a “hello world” program is usually the first program one writes in a new language, to show that it actually works. I’ve written my fair share of them. Still, it’s amazing to show to oneself that the language actually works, and that you can do something — anything — with it.
So, here I am. Nearly 15 years of owning the dotorg.org domain, and finally putting some content on the front page. Of course, I’ve done the blogging thing before, with various levels of success and commitment. Some of them are still up, and I contribute to them from time to time. Yet, every time, it seems to fizzle out. Lack of interest? Lack of time? I really don’t know. I don’t know if this effort will fare any better, or if it will fade away into the mists of the Internet like so much else done by myself and others. Yet here I am, trying my hand at this again.
Thanks for joining. I hope it’s a fun ride.
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